Tuesday 13 November 2012

I Heart Autumn...

So it appears that I have neglected my darling little blog for quite sometime, slaps wrist! Two children under three is very wearing...

Anywho, less of the woe is me story and onto the post in hand....

Autumn (apart from Christmas you underdstand) is my very most favourite season. There is nothing better than seeing the beautiful colours of the trees and the rustling and crunching underfoot of their discarded leaves whilst you amble through the woods with your beautiful family and chunky knit scarf.

I thought I would share with you some of my autumnal loves <3

# Chunky Scarves

Google Images

 # Hot Chocolate


# Dark Nail Polishes

Google Images

# Crunchy Leaves


# Cosy Candles


And the best one of all....

# It's nearly Christmas!!!

What do you love about autumn?

Chelle xoxo