Monday 17 September 2012

Varnish of The Week #1

I have always had a rather unhealthy love of the old nail varnishes. My collection just seemed to grow and grow. (I counted - I have 40!) However, I used to be a bit boring and stick to fairly neutral nails on my fingers and brighter colours on my tootsies.

Now, I don't know whether its old age (27 is ancient, right?) or the fact that painting my nails has become my kind of safe haven away from Mummy duties! I am always trying nail art and being quite bold with my colour choices!

So I thought I would start a weekly post of my favourite nail varnish of the week!

Varnish of The Week #1

 Pink Ombré

 I had an awful time trying to get a good shot of this! It is much brighter in real life :) Flash was too much and without it wasn't enough! (If anyone has any tips on snapping naill varnish - I'm all ears!)

Sunday 16 September 2012

Summer Snapshots

Summertime is starting to feel like a life time ago, apart from the odd exception of yesterday - what a beaut?!
But no, I am not sad. My all favourite season is upon us - Autumn! The most beautiful season by far, but that is another post altogether!

It's been busy and exciting summer for our wonderful little family - it got a wee larger! Harry became big brother and I had the joy of labour for a second time ;)

Joseph (JoJo) popped, so to speak, into our lives at the end of June. A perfect summer baby narrowly escaping my birthday, and both Grandads birthdays!

Summer has mainly consisted of sleepless nights, dirty nappies and trying to entertain a jealous toddler! But we have had some lovely days in between :) Next year is gonna be a blast!

 I hope you have all had utterly fabulous summers!
I'd love to hear about yours....

Proud daddies, new brothers, cake making and maltesers scoffing!

Barbecues and water play, milky times and cheeky times!

Green grass, smiles and Jack Daniels (for mummy!)

Brotherly cuddles, cars, shaving foam and Lush baths!

Silliness, cocktails, strawberry plants, digging and chocolate playdough!

Painting and cheekiness!

Crafting and Yummy food!

Beautiful butterflies, Mummy Madness, sleeping beauties and late night snacking!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

How Much Is Your Face Worth?

So after what seems like an actual eternity, I have escaped from the sleepless, newborn baby bubble and have smacked down to earth with a bump. Shockingly, in the last two and a half months I have not read a single blog post - and for this I must apologise!

Catching up with the always wonderful Sprinkle Of Glitter's blog, I saw this fabulous post and I was compelled to find out for myself!

The title is probably self explanitary (unless you are rather slow on the uptake like myself!) Totalling the prices of the make-up products you use everyday  - I definitely cannot believe that the products that I use on my mug everyday amount to this!

Here goes....